Insect Illustrations

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1176 Insects illustrations found
IH122 -  Brassy Mining Bee  (Lasioglossum morio)
IH122 - Brassy Mining Bee (Lasioglossum morio)
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IH124 - Common Masked Bee (Hylaeus communis)
IH124 - Common Masked Bee (Hylaeus communis)
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IH125 - Common Masked Bee (Hylaeus communis)
IH125 - Common Masked Bee (Hylaeus communis)
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IH126 Communal Mining Bee (Andrena carantonica)
IH126 Communal Mining Bee (Andrena carantonica)
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IH127 - Davies Mining Bee (Colletes daviesanus)
IH127 - Davies Mining Bee (Colletes daviesanus)
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IH128 - Early mining Bee (Andrena haemorrhoa)
IH128 - Early mining Bee (Andrena haemorrhoa)
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IH129 - Fabricus
IH129 - Fabricus' Nomad Bee (Nomada fabriciana)
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IH132 - Harebell Carpenter Bee (Chelostoma campanularum)
IH132 - Harebell Carpenter Bee (Chelostoma campanularum)
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IH133 - Davies Mining Bee (Colletes daviesanus)
IH133 - Davies Mining Bee (Colletes daviesanus)
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IH134 Heather Mining  bee (Andrena fuscipes)
IH134 Heather Mining bee (Andrena fuscipes)
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IN001 - Alderfly (Sialis lutraria)
IN001 - Alderfly (Sialis lutraria)
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IN002 - Alderfly (Sialis lutraria)
IN002 - Alderfly (Sialis lutraria)
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