Fungi Illustrations

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621 Fungi illustrations found
Cyclocybe aegereita (Agrocybe cylindracea) (Poplar Fieldcap) FU0189
Cyclocybe aegereita (Agrocybe cylindracea) (Poplar Fieldcap) FU0189
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Cystolepiota adulterina FU001
Cystolepiota adulterina FU001
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Cystolepiota bucknallii (Lilac Dapperling) FU003
Cystolepiota bucknallii (Lilac Dapperling) FU003
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Cystolepiota cystidiosa FU005
Cystolepiota cystidiosa FU005
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Cystolepiota hetieri FU004
Cystolepiota hetieri FU004
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Cystolepiota moelleri FU006
Cystolepiota moelleri FU006
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Cystolepiota pulverulenta FU002
Cystolepiota pulverulenta FU002
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Cystolepiota seminuda (Bearded Dapperling) FU007
Cystolepiota seminuda (Bearded Dapperling) FU007
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Delicatula integrella FU001
Delicatula integrella FU001
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Dermoloma cuneifolium (Crazed Cap) FU001
Dermoloma cuneifolium (Crazed Cap) FU001
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Dermoloma josserandii var. josserandii FU002
Dermoloma josserandii var. josserandii FU002
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Dermoloma josserandii var. josserandii FU004
Dermoloma josserandii var. josserandii FU004
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